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COSROCS is BIG on education!!
Go here to learn about what we can do for your group.
starsnstripes   cool   future15  
Video of the Ball Interns' Stars 'N' Stripes flight at Chiliblaster/ULA/Ball launch on 7/18/15. This is an N class rocket with multiple payloads.  

COSROCS does a huge amount of educational work! Dozens of young potential rocket scientists build their first model at the annual Cool Science Carnival at UCCS.

Video of the ULA interns' Future flight at Chiliblaster/ULA/Ball launch on 7/18/15. This is a HUGE O-class rocket, with many payloads.


COSROCS Trailer Theft!!

   The club equipment trailer was stolen on Sunday, May 26th!
   All of our primary launch and safety equipment was lost.
   Go here for full details and information on how you can help us recover from
   this devastating loss.

Upcoming Events:

   COSROCS Monthly Meeting and Summer Cookout!
   Wednesday, 10 July, 6:00 - 8:30pm
   Hosted at the COSROCS President's residence.
   Go to the club Forum and Calendar for full details.


   Model Rocket Launch at the Challenger Learning Center
   Saturday, 13 July, 8:30am setup
   Go here for directions.


   US Space Force Azimuth program is conducting an Estes Cosmic Club event!
   Wednesday, 17 July 8:30am - 12:30pm at the Challenger Learning Center.
   COSROCS will be providing the outdoor launch support.
   All youth ages 9-12 are welcome to participate - build and fly an Estes model rocket!
   COSROCS will be providing the outdoor launch support.
   Space is limited! Sign up here.
   Go here for directions to the Challenger Learning Center.

Special Note:

   COSROCS Needs Volunteers!!
   We keep very busy with educational outreach activities.
   Please check the club Forum and Calendar for those upcoming events;
   your help is always greatly appreciated!


Join our club discussion forum here on the NAR Groups platform!

Printable membership application 48k PDF

green t
We have club T-shirts! Inquire at a meeting or launch. Multiple styles are available.


COSROCS is a non-profit community service provider and is sensitive to people who prefer not to have their photos posted. We have thousands of photos and videos posted from over thirty years of community service. If you object to having your likeness on the site, please contact the webmaster and we will remove it (them).

COSROCS promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education through fun and friendship, and is a community service non-profit organization.


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