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Photos on this page: September through December 2014

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tca blackbird tom
girlscout riley              

Launch at Peyton on 9/13. It was amazing. Warm, still, lots of new people.

Challenger 9/27 launch was perfect. Lots of Scouts, three TARC teams, no wind and lots of sun. COSROCS pays forward with
a build session at Cool
Science Carnival. 10/12/14
11/8/14 COSROCS launch at Peyton. Cool, breezy, but an astounding number of eager fliers. 12/13/14 Launch at Peyton. An amazing day. T-shirts, shorts, and no wind. Followed by great fellowship and potluck. All Christmas parties should be this good.      
Jack and Connie photos from the December 13 Peyton launch.          



fatboy meanmachine   staging cheetah          
9/27/14 Jack Wetterer onboard videos and still frames. The still frame above is from a video you will probably want to bookmark. There are two launches, and a Fatboy follows the onboard video rocket, catches up, and zooms past. 10/28 Jack Wetterer onboard video at Challenter Middle School from a Mean Machine. Includes footage of a person catching the rocket on the ball diamond, slo-mo of just the launch, and some stills.   11/8 Jack Wetterer onboard video at Peyton on a Commanche 3. The staging is fun to watch.   12/13/14 Jack Wetterer onboard video at Peyton on a Cheetah. Primo.