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COSROCS Contacts

How to contact COSROCS:
General Mailing Address:
  David Virga, President
  Colorado Springs Rocket Society
  1695 Rockhurst Blvd
  Colorado Springs, CO 80918-8171

Join the Club
Annual membership fee is $20.00 per household. Membership renewal is due in April. When joining in mid-year, please pro-rate the membership fee by quarters of the year remaining until next April. You can send payment to the address address shown above, or give to a club officer at any club event.

Printable Membership Application

Discussion Forum
COSROCS has a Group Discussion Forum for convenient communications between members. This forum allows COSROCS members to exchange information with all other members of the COSROCS community. This is the easiest and fastest way to stay informed about COSROCS happenings.
You do not need to be a NAR or COSROCS member to join this forum, but you must have a free account and join the group in order to view and post messages and receive COSROCS Group emails.
Club or rocketry related discussions are welcome. SPAM, jokes, etc. are not. And please remember, this a family oriented club.

Club Officers
Click here for the contact information for the current club officers.
Board Members:
•   President | Dave Virga
•   Vice President | Ernie Puckett
•   Treasurer | (available)
•   Secretary | (available)
•   Member at Large | (available)
Committee Chairs:
•   Equipment Manager | George Shaiffer
•   Newsletter Editor | Tom Dembowski
•   Librarian | Deanna Mann
•   Contests and Records | Greg Elder
•   Web Master | (available)

Club Photographer
Nadine Kinney - Able to catch a speeding rocket with a single click! Check out her Web Site.

Unsolicited Commercial Email (SPAM) sent to any email address found on this site will not be tolerated. The ISP of the sender will be notified and requested to close the offending account.