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  Model Rocketry Classes Begin October 20th!

Model rocketry classes are starting up again on October 20th. Classes are sponsored and supported by the Colorado Springs Rocket Society (COSROCS), a National Association of Rocketry (NAR) sectioned club, and Colorado’s 4-H Model Rocketry Program; both organizations are non-profit and instruction is provided by skilled volunteers in the field of model rocketry. Classes are open to El Paso County youth ages 8 18 and follow the 4-H Model Rocketry Program’s curriculum. Instructors Deanna and Les Mann are both members of COSROCS and NAR, and are in their 23rd and 24th year of teaching the Colorado 4-H Model Rocketry curriculum. Mr. Mann holds a Level 2 High Power Certification through both NAR and Tripoli (a high power rocketry association).

Project classes are scheduled for the first Saturday of every month with the exception of October, and are held at Fire Station #20 at the corner of Rangewood & Dublin. Classes are divided up by unit and skill level:

Beginner Classes—Units 1-3—meet from 1:00-4:00*

Advance Classes—Units 4 & 6—meet from 2:30-5:30*.

*November 3 and April 6 classes meet from 1:30-4:30 (Beg.) and 3:00-6:00 (Adv.) respectfully.

Class dues are $7.00 per participant for the year and are payable to Les & Deanna Mann. The dues will pay for your rocket curriculum manual and various handouts received during the year. Participants are responsible for their own rocket supplies, tools and kits. Depending on the unit or skill level you enroll in, the rocket(s) you select, and supplies you may already own, your yearly cost can range from $30 - $120. The higher the skill level the more expensive the rocket kits can be. All classes consist of approximately 1½ hours of lesson and 1½ hours of construction time. Both Beginner and Advance classes are combined during the construction phase.

Beginner class topics include: Model Rocketry Introduction, Building Basics, History & Science of Rocketry, Rocket Flight Stability, Range & Launch Safety, Rocket Motors & Rocket Flight, Recovery Systems, and Finishing Techniques.

Model rocketry project class registration begins now. Youth ages 8-13 are required to have a responsible adult/parent with them during the entire class. The first class is scheduled for October 20th. Space is limited so sign up now. Please contact Les and Deanna Mann for more information or to register for classes at 719 528 5969 or email: